Second Printing Info

Two posts in one hour! Clearly the internet isn't distracting me from my work AT ALL.

I just wanted to remind you guys that the second printing of Nonplayer #1 will be hitting stands on May 11. Image bases the size of their print runs on the number of preorders they get from retailers, so if you want a copy, now's the time to call up your local comic shop and reserve one. The deadline for ordering is April 18 -- this coming Monday. Please tell your friends!

Content-wise, the second printing is identical to the first -- the cover will be slightly different (and slightly prettier, I think) and there may be some different bonus stuff in the back, but the comic itself is the same. There's really no need to go to Ebay for a copy unless you're a super hardcore collector.

Okay. Really working now. Really.


  1. howdy nate, I just received my copy of nonplayer from and O-M-F'in-G is it the jam! is there a specific place on this blog where we can go and rant about how dope not only the art is, but also the story and characters?

  2. I missed it the first time around, but I'm sure as heck not missing the second printing! I'm heading to the comic shop near my office to order me a copy!

  3. My local shop's apparently full of idiots because when I called 3 days ago to have them order NONPLAYER, they told me to call them on march 4th, and it'd be plenty of time.
    -Guess I'll be calling a shop in the next town over in the morning.

  4. Slightly prettier cover? SOLD lol

  5. I picked it up the first time around, but an even prettier cover? I may have to get it a second time.

    Seriously, the art is fantastic!

  6. Hey Nate, congrats on the release!
    The comic shop close to my work got shortchanged so I hope I can snag one on May 11th... I need to find a better shop.

  7. Is it possible for overseas readers to get Nonplayer? If so where from?

  8. Hey Nate!
    LOVED Nonplayer #1. Beautiful art and the story was great too.....can't wait for more!


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