Stumptown Bidniz

Quick morning post before I commence to doodlin'.

This weekend, I'll be at the Stumptown Comics Fest in Portland, OR. If you're in the area and you'd like me to sign your copy of Nonplayer, please visit! I've got my signin' wrist all limbered up. I will also be selling (and, if you like, signing) posters.

I had not anticipated the shortage of issues of Nonplayer #1, however, and I'm only able to bring ten copies to the convention. There will be a raffle, with five issues given out on Saturday at 4pm and the other five awarded on Sunday at 4pm. But wait, that's not all! When you enter the raffle, you're guaranteed first priority when second-printing copies of #1 go up at the Nonplayer store on May 11. So in the loosest possible sense, everybody wins! I'm hoping that everybody who wants one will get one this time around.

Also, if you have sent me a message online over the last couple of weeks and haven't yet received a response, please know that I am not ignoring you! I am slowly chipping away at my inbox, but I'm doing my best not to let the internet derail my work on issue 2. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I will post more here soon, hopefully. Now that the embargo is lifted, I can show some more pages from the first issue -- I tried some very clumsy perspective experiments that I want to bounce off you guys. And after that, I can start posting the first pages of issue 2, just like we did the first time around. Fun!

Thanks to everybody who bought (or attempted to buy) Nonplayer last week. It's been a very exciting time, and I owe it all to you guys.

Okay, off to work!


  1. I'm actually waiting till your life is less crazy (and mine I guess) to email you so it's all good ;) Congrats on the success of Nonplayer. I'll devise a scheme to get a copy for myself, such as sending my mom on a mission during her upcoming trip to NYC.

  2. Big thanks for signing my stuff at the Comic Dungeon - I don't make it to Cons and so thanks for letting us know you were going to be there. I contacted them and they were super about getting a signed copy to mail to me!

    Can't wait to see the experiments and the first pages of issue 2!


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