Vancouver Comic Con

I'm in Vancouver -- Canada's life-sized Sim City map! You can find me at the Vancouver Comic Con today from 11 am to 5 pm. I've brought a few stacks of Nonplayer #1 to sell, as well as some new posters (the first four pages of the comic are now available in poster form). My studio mate Moritat (The Spirit, Elephantmen) will also be attending. If you're in a gift-giving mood, I quite enjoy donuts, while Moritat prefers alfalfa sprouts. 

See you there!


  1. It was nice to meet you/buy a print/get some stuff signed today, and to talk Photoshop vs. IllustStudio for a few minutes! Please don't quit making Nonplayer...Nonplayer and Green Wake are the only comics worth buying!

  2. Hey, I couldn't make it yesterday but I wanted to mention that I picked up Nonplayer last week (with the intention of bringing it to the show) and it was seriously the first new single-issue comic I've bought in years. I'm typically a trade paperback/graphic novel guy, but I simply couldn't wait after hearing such amazing things about it and it certainly lived up to the hype. Beautiful and amazing... great work!

  3. Wow, Vancouver really does look like a Sim City map.. er, I mean "Man, what an amazing comic!!"
    It is pretty great, actually. This book has a whole lot going for it. I especially enjoyed the scene with Heremoth and Fendra in their caravan. You crammed 5 pages worth of plot, sub-plot and characterization into 12 panels. Great storytelling there.

  4. Hi Nate,

    A bit late with my comments here (considering the Vancouver show was like a week ago!) but I wanted to take the time to thank you for taking the time to come up and visit my fair city. Like others have already said, it was a real pleasure to meet you get my copy of nonplayer signed and chat for a few minutes about your book, comic publishing and stuff. I teased you about having an open sketchbook in front of you at the show and still am determined to get a commission from you at next year's Emerald City show!

    Also thanks for showing me the preview copy of Nonplayer #2. (just kidding) Sorry I didn't bring donuts.(or sprouts)

    Thanks again, Nate.

  5. tylerpistol - It was great chatting with you, too! Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your comment, but I suppose it says something that I still remember talking with you after all this time! Thanks for all the kind words, Tyler!

    Fongolia - It's great to hear that I broke through your no-floppy-comics barrier! I'm bummed that I didn't get a chance to meet you in person, but there's always next year! Thanks for the compliments, man.

    Derrick - Yeah, the hardest thing about drawing a comic is getting information across in as elegant, efficient, and text-minimal a way as possible. It keeps me awake at night, trying to solve those storytelling puzzles. I still have a lot to learn, but I'm glad that sequence worked for you!

    Stephen - Good to meet you too, Stephen. And dude, if you had a preview copy of Nonplayer #2 on you, I'd have given you donuts to let me see it! It's not often that I come across artifacts from the future -- those are worth at least their weight in crullers.


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