It has been nearly a year since I posted here. Holy canolis. It feels like it's been about three weeks. Fatherhood, amirite?

So, you are maybe wondering (or maybe not wondering) where things stand with Nonplayer right now. Shockingly, the second issue is not yet complete. I have continued to wake up between the hours of 3 and 4 in the morning to place art-pebbles on the pile, and that pile is now looking very much like a complete book. There is some polish yet to do, but I'm far enough along that an untrained, partially-blind observer might think it was done.

It has seemed at times like my toddler is not a fan of this book, because the closer I get to finishing it, the more he plays Old Harry with my scant sleep allotment. Drawing your dream comic is a wonderful gift, but it turns out that drawing your dream comic on zero sleep is kind of burdensome. That said, I have decided not to give myself too much leeway in this matter, as I fear that a prolonged recess may result in the extinguishment of my creative pilot light.

But it's almost done, so that's good. A couple more months, maybe? See, that wasn't so bad. It only took eight thousand years. Who's ready for #3?

Oh, I know something new I can talk about! I got a job with a company called Uber Entertainment, and they let me pitch a new game on my first day there. And now we're making it! Well, we're Kickstarting it, so it's probably premature to use the present tense there. But I'm very happy with the way the pitch came out -- I'm surrounded by people who are amazing and talented and boundlessly enthusiastic about making games. I really hope this game gets funded. I think you will like it. Here is the video:

The pitch is pretty simple: the Singularity happens, robots are running amok destroying the world, and human scientists try to head off the machine apocalypse by using the Necronomicon to invoke Lovecraftian squid monsters from another dimension. I guess the reasoning is that the two adversaries will sort of cancel each other out. But of course shit goes sideways and now we've got two apocalypses instead of one.

The twist is that you play as one of the apocalyptic factions. The humans only exist as a consumable resource (and the name of the game, which still makes me giggle, is "Human Resources"). So you get to enjoy destroying whole cities and eating lots of folks. It's cheerier than it sounds, partly because we've figured out a way to render the game in a clear-line style redolent of my French comics heroes.

Concepting the factions has been a treat. Once again, I have weaseled my way into drawing noodly organic stuff and giant robots in the same project. Here are some samples:

Anyway, if games are your thing, please pay a visit to the Human Resources (hehe) Kickstarter page and look at all the cool stuff you can get. Who knows, if this game becomes some sort of runaway success, maybe I can retire to a life of full-time comic making! Which would reduce the time it takes to draw an issue of Nonplayer to a mere decade or two!

Okay, back to drawing. Have a nice day!

PS. A special hello to my compatriots in the Holy Order of Viking Draftspeople. I am surprised how many of you are still in the trenches every day before dawn. I know a guy who built a whole video game in the wee morning hours. And lots of awesome comics getting drawn. It's an exciting time to be not sleeping. Catch the fever!


  1. I'm glad to hear that Nonplayer #2 is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait to read it.
    That said, holy crap I need Human Resources in my life. That pitch video was amazing! I'm glad you landed at Uber and that they let you pitch this on your first day.
    I need to stop talking and start doing on my own HOVD projects. Kids and School and Work, oh my. But I still need to MAKE, y'know?

    1. Wow, I didn't answer these comments from six months ago! Jeez. Thanks for the kind words about Human Resources. I'll keep an eye out for you in the HOVD ranks. Gotta keep them comics flowing, man!

  2. Great to hear! I'm in a similar situation, as I moved continents and the final volume of my comic is taking over 2 years to complete. But life priorities! And it's good to hear you're enjoying both parenthood and a new creative job.

    1. I know, right? Life sometimes really conspires against your project deadlines... What continent are you on now? Hopefully a fun one!

  3. I just vowed not to spend more money on Kickstarters. I need you to write a note to my wife to explain why I just did.

    1. Aw thanks, Douglas. I somehow missed this message when you first sent it, but it means a lot that you supported the Kickstarter. Sorry it didn't make it, but I haven't given up on HR quite yet. I think someday it will live again. Hope springs eternal!

  4. Awesome - great to see your concepts fleshed out in the kickstarted vid - looks like immense amount of fun! And yep - bring on NP # 2 and 3 - very excited for those Nate as and when they land!

  5. This game look pretty insane, I will definitely fund it, as soon as pay is on the clear of course. Excited for MP 2 off course.

    1. Thanks Fer! I hope you like NP 2 when it finally hits stands in June!

  6. Wow, Human Resources looks amazing! Congrats on the successful pitch. I hope the Kickstarter goes well! I'm so glad to hear that you're still finding time to work on Nonplayer. I can't wait for the next issue. Actually I can totally wait but hopefully its publication isn't too far off ;)

    1. Hi Josie! I know it's been a while since you wrote this, but Nonplayer 2 is officially hitting stands on June 3. Hope you like it! Cheers!

  7. I was going to back the project on Kickstarter but just noticed it said funding was canceled on Oct. 20. Are they planning to re-launch the campaign?

    1. Sadly, the campaign fell short of its goals and we had to refocus at Uber. But I wouldn't completely give up on Human Resources -- I think it'll be resurrected someday! Thanks for your support, Josie!

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