
Page 6 colorized. Click to enlarge. More after. I learned a new lesson this week: never draw speech bubbles directly into the original line art. I'm pretty sure somebody made a comment to this effect several months ago, but I'm a late bloomer . There are a few really good reasons not to bake speech bubbles into the drawing: The dialogue may need to change (as it did with this page). I may want to change the way I draw the bubbles, themselves (with this page, I switched from the old hand-drawn bubbles to stroked paths, which will be easier to modify in the future). I'm going to have to change the font (suggestions welcome), which means I'll have to resize the speech bubbles later, anyway. I want to publish the book in other languages, and I'll have to resize the bubbles to match the localized text. I may want to use the panels in an animatic someday, in which case I'll want the bubbles removed. If I ever want to sell prints of individual pages, they'...