Nonplayer Store Back Open

Hi guys, First, to business. I finally got the Nonplayer store back up and running, and there is new stuff! You can now buy signed copies of Nonplayer #1 (3rd printing), as well as the long-in-coming gigantic poster of the two-page spread from issue 1: That's a whopping 30" x 24" (or 76,2cm x 60.96cm, for you foreign heathens). And on the subject of foreign heathens... After much hand-wringing, I've decided that I can't ship things USPS First Class International anymore. That shipping method involves me carrying a bunch of shipping tubes to the post office, filling out individual customs forms for every one of them, and then getting sneered at both by the mail clerk and the fifty people in line behind me for the thirty minutes it takes to process all the packages. Now that I've got a kid, I just don't have an extra hour a day to devote to this. If any kind reader has advice to give on the international shipping conundrum, I am all ears! For now...