Ramblin' 'Bout Reprints

The third printing of Nonplayer #1 hits stands today, so if you're one of those people who missed out the first two times, there are lots of new copies in the wild now. This blog's readership probably already has a copy, but it's never too late to introduce a friend to the pleasures of reading a comic that comes out once per presidential election! Today's reprint has three new pinups, and they're brilliant. All three were drawn by friends I made when I worked at PopCap. That place, especially at that time, attracted ridiculous talent from every corner of the globe. The first pinup is by David Ryan Paul , a fellow worshiper of French stuff: I love that hair going through the sword. What a cool move. Here's a random page from DRP's tumblr, just to give you a taste of his range: And here's another one: I really hope he puts out a comic. I love that color. I love the character design. Heck, I love DRP. Especially his beard. N...