First Steps

Here are pages one and two. I'll try to post each page as I finish (and double back as I start to color everything).

Some of the images lose some legibility due to the all-overness of the detail. Color should clarify things a little.

These were drawn in Photoshop using a Cintiq tablet monitor.

Page 1. Click to enlarge.

Page 2.


  1. holy shit holy shittttt :o <3 and aw hell it doesn't look illegible at all! Each panel is HYPERdetailed but your line weight and space ratios and compo works out wonderfully so far, these look amazing! :D

  2. Thanks guys! It's great to have your support!

  3. These pages are SICK! Good stuff!

  4. Incredible dude. Please post on Millarworld when it's completed so I know when to look to order it! Thanks!

  5. Lucian - Thanks! I'm sure that if this book ever gets finished, you'll hear my shout of joy from wherever you currently live.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Nice to see the beginnings of something that will now be in shelves in a couple months! Great pacing!


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