Hello, Boulder!

It's been a pretty wacky month, and I'll write again soon about all that's happened, but first, a quick announcement: I'll be doing my last scheduled signing tomorrow, June 27th, at Time Warp Comics in Boulder, CO from 1PM to 3PM.

I'm flying a long way for this one, and we haven't given folks much notice, so any help getting the word out would be most appreciated! Denver people, too! It's not that far, right?

If I may appeal to your self-interest, one thing that I have learned over the last couple of weeks is that first printings of Nonplayer 1 are now selling on Ebay for like a trillion dollars each, and they go for a shmazillion dollars if they're signed. Even second printings are starting to fetch silly sums. Hooray for scarcity! So if you have one of those, bring it by Time Warp to get it signed!

Also, I feel like I'm getting tweeted/emailed a lot by LA folks who want me to do a signing. I would love to come down if a shop invites me, so feel free to bug your favorite shop on my behalf.


Back to drawing!


  1. Nate just wanted to let you know, Nonplayer is the best-illustrated comic I've EVER seen bar none. Moebius, Darrow, Quitley, and a goodly amount of others are greats but you are the Greatest! Start a Kickstarter, Patreon or something and name your price to produce Nonplayer full time.

    1. Aw shucks, that's very nice of you to say. If we can find about a thousand other people who agree with you, I'll be in business! Cheers!

    2. I would definitely contribute to a kickstarter, and share with everyone I know, to get more donations. This series is too good to give up on it!

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  3. So Nate I guess your done with this comic?


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